Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October - November 2006


Mark Your Calendars

November 9, 2006, Thursday, 6:00 to 7:30 pm, Pot Luck and Board Meeting at Roger and Lydia Peake’s home.

November 9, 2006, Thursday, 7:30 to 9:00 pm, Society Book Club, 1491, New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus and Slide Show featuring Tiwanako, Wari, and Inca Civilizations at Roger and Lydia Peake’s home.

December 2, 2006, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Annual Meeting featuring archeologist, Al. W. Schwatilla speaking on "Global Warming in Central California and its impact on Prehistoric Populations: An Archaeological Perspective" at Hungry Hunter on Richards Blvd., Sacramento.

"History of the Americas - Pre 1491"

Book Review of 1491 and

Slide show of Bolivia/ Peru


Tom and Jan Johansen

Thursday, November 9, 2006, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Roger and Lydia Peake’s home at 2951 Redwood Avenue, West Sacramento

After a Potluck and a short Board Meeting, join Society members in a discussion of the life in North and South America before Columbus. If you have read 1491, New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Charles C. Mann, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2005, be prepared to comment on the various civilizations that flourished here. If not, come and learn about early history of the Americas.

To elaborate on the Tiwanaku, Wari, and Inca civilizations Jan and Tom Johansen will show slides from their visit to Lake Titicaca, Tiwanaku, San Pedro de Atacama, Cusco, and Machu Pichu. According to Charles C. Mann, the ancient city of Tiwanaku not far from Lake Titicaca had been occupied since at least 800 B.C. and it became an important center about 300 b.c. A seven-tiered pyramid dominated its skyline. Even though in the last two centuries people have carted away many of its buildings, using the stone for churches, homes, bridges, public buildings, and even landfill, you will be able to see pictures of the Gateway of the Sun that attracted thousands of pilgrims to the site. Moving into more recent times the Johansens will show slides from the land of the Incas.



The meeting will be held at Roger and Lydia Peake’s home at 2951 Redwood Avenue, West Sacramento, CA 95691 starting at 6:00 pm with a potluck. Bring your favorite dish. At approximately 7:30 p.m. after a brief Board Meeting that all members are invited to attend, the slide show and discussion of the book will begin.


Sacramento Archeological Society Annual Meeting


"Global Warming in Central California and its impact on Prehistoric Populations: An Archaeological Perspective"


Al W. Schwitalla

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Hungry Hunter Steakhouse, 450 Bercut Drive, Sacramento CA 95814

Archeologist and "Artifact Reproduction Specialist" with Pacific Legacy Inc. Al W. Schwitalla will be the honored guest and speaker at the Sacramento Archeological Society Annual Meeting on Saturday, December 2, 2006 at Hungry Hunter Steakhouse. After a banquet luncheon and annual meeting he will speak on "Global Warming in Central California and its impact on Prehistoric Populations: An Archaeological Perspective".

In an era of increased concern over the negative environmental effects of global warming and the unknown future health and economic impacts associated with this trend for the Sacramento Region (see Sacramento News and Review, Vol. 18:22), this lecture will review a prehistoric global warming event and its impact on human populations living in central California.


The Medieval Warm Period or alternately the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (MCA) has been extensively documented in archaeological literature as an explanatory model in whole or in part for observations of change to human health and behavior. The MCA was a long-term low-frequency global warming pattern that is known through paleoclimatic data to have occurred during approximately 1,150 and 600 BP. This lecture takes a bioarchaeological approach specifically designed to answer if prehistoric populations in central California were negatively impacted by the effects of the Medieval Climatic Anomaly. The author’s research measured temporal changes in health, diet, and behavior for the past 5000 years through the use of direct physiological indicators of stress recorded from human skeletal remains and indirect contextual indicators of human behavior recorded at the time of archaeological excavation.


During the Annual Meeting Hungry Hunter Steakhouse will serve a fine banquet luncheon. Reservations are required by Monday, November 20th. The cost of the luncheon inclusive of 7.75% tax, 17% gratuity, depending upon your entree and dessert selection is $16, $20 or $24. You may select from three entrees:

Roast Salmon – A filet of Norwegian salmon brushed with a blend of basil, mustard see, garlic and lemon. Served with rice pilaf $20

Lemon Herb Chicken – Grilled chicken breast seasoned with olive oil, garlic, oregano, spices, and Chablis wine. Served with rice pilaf $16

Vegetarian Entrée – Linguini with rosemary cream sauce and mixed vegetables. $16




Entrees will be served with bread, butter, mixed green salad with ranch style dressing, coffee, iced tea or soda. The bar will be available.

You have the option to select from the following desserts:

Turtle Cheese Cake (A creamy New York style single layer cheese cake topped with fudge, caramel and pecans) $4

Bailey’s Irish Cream Mousse – Bailey’s blended with cream and chocolate to create this distinctively single layer unique dessert. $4

Carrot Cake – An old favorite. Spiced carrot single layer cake topped with a rich cream frosting. $4

Please indicate your selection on the form below by November 20th.

You may bring guests who hopefully will become members. Don’t miss this annual event.


Reservation Form for Society’s Annual Meeting

Please send your reservation as soon as possible and no later than Monday, November 20, 2006 Make checks payable to "Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc." and send it to

Jan Johansen

505 Cleveland Court

Davis, CA 95616


Name: _____________________________________________ Phone: _____________

Luncheon Selection:

Entry Item (Select one) # Price

Vegetarian Entré ________ $16.00 $________

Lemon Herb Chicken ________ $16.00 $________

Roasted Salmon ________ $20.00 $________

Dessert Item (You may select one) # Price

Turtle Cheese Cake _______ $4.00 $________

Bailey’s Irish Cream Mousse _______ $4.00 $________

Carrot Cake _______ $4.00 $________

Total $________


Renewal of Annual Memberships

Since January 1 is approaching and all memberships are renewed at this time, please support the society by paying your 2007 dues by January 1, 2007.

The annual dues are:

Student/Limited Member $15

Individual Membership $25

Family Membership $35

Sponsor $100 - 499 (individual)

$500 - 999 (business)

Patron $1000

Membership Benefits

Individual and Student Limited: One-year subscription to SAS Newsletter

Members-only meetings

Members-only fieldwork

Field trips

Special Lectures

Classes and events sponsored by SAS

Family: All of the above for each Family Member

One SAS Newsletter per Family Membership

Sponsor: All of the above plus prominent mention in the SAS Newsletter and event programs for one year

Patron: All of the above plus autographed book from keynote speaker, as applicable

To minimize administrative costs additional invoices will not be sent to each member. Please remit the payment with the attached form.

Please make out your check to "Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc." and mail it either early with your Annual Meeting Reservation Form to

Jan Johansen

505 Cleveland Court

Davis, CA 95616

or separately before January 1 to:

Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 163287

Sacramento, CA 95816-9287

Thank you in advance for your prompt payment. We really appreciate your support.





Other Upcoming Events

The California Indian Museum and Cultural Center
(Indian owned and operated non-profit organization)
5250 Aero Drive
Santa Rosa, CA  95403
Phone: (707) 579-3004
Fax: (707) 579-9019
or email us at

The California Indian Museum & Cultural Center's 2006 Tillie Hardwick Lecture Series

October 28, 2006 - Thanksgiving: Historical Myths & Half Truths

Dec 9, 2006 - California Indian Storytelling

All lectures are held:
Saturday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm
California Indian Museum & Cultural Center
5250 Aero Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Click here for public transit (bus) directions from San Francisco and Petaluma. All lectures are free to the public and free of charge!! Refreshments and snacks provided!! Please call ahead to (707) 579-3004 to reserve seating.  Space is limited.


Election of 2006 Board of Directors

During the Annual Meeting the 2007 Board of Directors will be elected. Additional nominations to the board may be made to Jan Johansen at The expected slate is:





Jan Johansen


Tom Johansen, MD

Member at Large

Anna Valdez


Ruth McElhinney

Member at Large

April Farnham


Lydia Peake

Member at Large

Susan Ferguson


Roger Peake

Member at Large

Dennis T. Fenwick

Past President

Diane Rosales

Member at Large

Philomene Smith

Member at Large





Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.

Officers and Directors

President Jan Johansen 530/756-6970

Vice President Anna Valdez 916/628-4226

Treasurer Susan W. Ferguson 916/966-4861

Secretary April Farnham 916/371-6806

Past President Dennis T. Fenwick 916/373-1465

Member/Large Ruth Marques-Washeleski 916/525-0858

Member/Large Ruth McElhinney 916/923-3848

no email

Member/Large Thomas Johansen, MD 530/756-6970

Member/Large Lydia Peake 916/371-6391

Member at Large Roger Peake 916/371-6391

Member at Large Diane Rosales 916/371-4596

Member/Large Philomene Smith 916/651-8694