Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.
www.sacarcheology.org. January 2007
"California Rock Art"
Chuck Kritzon
January 27, 2007
3:00 pm at Maidu Interpretive Center
The Maidu Interpretive Center staff member and material culture specialist Chuck Kritzon will speak on California rock art and native California tool technology on January 27th at 3:00 PM at the Maidu Interpretive Center, at 1960 Johnson Ranch Drive in Roseville, CA. Chuck Kritzon will present an overview of California rock art and more specifically discuss Rock Art of the Central Sierra and the Maidu Interpretive Center. In addition he will demonstrate the processing, storage and use of mineral pigments in prehistoric California and the world. After the presentation Chuck will lead a tour of the petroglyphs at the Center.
Chuck is a primitive skills technologist with over 14+ years experience with the California Indian community. He is a longtime member of the Society of Primitive Technology and owns a business in Roseville called "Petroglyphics". His biography can be found on http://www.primitiveways.com/primitiveways_clan.html.
For more information contact: Maidu Interpretive Center (916) 774-5934
Mysterious South America
"Machu Pichu, Lines of Naca, Galapagos"
Gordon and Carolyn McGregor
March 3, 2007
6:00 p.m. Location to be announced
Society members, Gordon and Carolyn McGregor will be continuing the Society’s investigation of ancient culture in South America by sharing their most recent experiences at Machu Pichu, Plains of Naca and Galapagos. Last year the book, "1481" was one of the books selected by the Society’s Book Club. It spurred interest in the prehistory of South America. Gordon and Carolyn through pictures will extend this exploration of Peru and Galapagos Islands. Join them at 6:00 p.m. for a potluck. Bring the dish of your choice. The presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Mark your calendar. /H2>
Rock Art Tour
"Little Petroglyph Canyon and Maturango Museum"
April 21-22, 2007
Ridgecrest, California 93555
The society is planning a tour to Ridgecrest area of Southern California to see rock art in the Little Petroglyph Canyon and visit Maturango Museum. Little Petroglyph Canyon, (actually Lower Renegade Canyon), a National Historic Landmark, is located in the rugged volcanic Coso Range of the Upper Mojave Desert, on the test ranges of the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS), China Lake, California. The canyons in this area contain what has been described as "the highest concentration of rock art in the Western Hemisphere." Thousands of designs have been chipped into the dark desert varnish over the past 16,000 years and the images are as varied as the artists who created them. Little Petroglyph Canyon has well over 6000 images for you see! It is the canyon that is little, not the petroglyphs! There are at least a dozen canyons with inscriptions in them scattered throughout the Cosos, but the Navy only allows public access to this one - and it is THE BEST!
Little Petroglyph Canyon is a north/south-oriented canyon about 1.2 miles long, (round trip from the cars to the fence and back is 3 miles) and you walk in the sandy and rocky wash bottom. There is no trail. Some spots are steep but most of it is gentle sandy downhill. The first part is quite easy, the middle is moderate, and the lower end involves sliding on your rear down some steep sections. Total drop is around 300 feet - which, of course, you must come back up... This is NOT an " easy hike". There is NO shade, and there are no trees. Small desert animals live there, including interesting birds, lizards, and rattlesnakes. The altitude is about 5000 feet; you are in an arroyo cut into the basalt-covered Wild Horse Mesa of the Coso Mountains. For more information refer to http://www.maturango.org/.
The April 21st weekend is targeted for the Society’s tour. Since the tour is in southern California, Saturday can be a travel day with a visit to the Maturango Museum in the afternoon. The hike through Little Petroglyph Canyon will be on Sunday, April 22nd. Since overnight stays are necessary, approximately 9 motels have been identified in Ridgecrest.
Since the location of the site is on Government property, the Navy requires the names, phone numbers, birth date, birthplace and Social Security #'s well in advance of the tour. Since tours fill FAST especially in April when wild flowers are in bloom and the weather is ideal, please indicate your participation in the tour by sending the attached form to the Maturango Museum. Select April 22nd as first choice date and April 29th as an alternate choice. To coordinate participants from the Society either return the attached Interest form or email a response to janjohansen@sbcglobal.net .
Sutter Buttes
Native Ways Hike
Led by
Diana Almenderiz
March 24, 2007
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sutter Buttes, near Gridley, known as the smallest mountain range in the world, is privately owned but Middle Mountain Foundation offers a variety of tours. Esto Yamani (Histum Yani) is the name that native Maidu people use to identify this small mountain range. The translation to English is The Middle Mountain. The Middle Mountain was figuratively and literally at the heart of the Maidu Indians' spiritual beliefs. The story of its beginning centered on its appearance where once there was only sea. The very first Man and Woman were created there. They believed that after death, the souls of their people ascended to the top of its highest peak. The Buttes were a special place revered by the Maidu. They did not live in the Middle Mountain, but rather came there to draw sustenance from the landscape, both physically and spiritually. By hunting and gathering they fed their bodies, and by reaffirming their living in harmony with the world, they strengthened their beliefs. All life was appreciated and respected.
On March 24th Diana Almenderiz, the Native American "Tule Lady" will lead an "easy" hike to explore the Spring plants of Sutter Buttes. She will tell about the plants the Native Americans found and gathered and how they used them. She will also give the names of the plants in the Maidu and Wintun languages. The cost of the hike is $35/ person. Since the tours fill very quickly, call Middle Mountain Foundation at (530) 671-6116 to place your reservation and please relay your interest by either sending back the attached form or emailing a response to janjohansen@sbcglobal.net .
Sutter Buttes
Alder Berry Flute Workshop
April 29, 2007
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
On April 29th Middle Mountain Foundation is offering a workshop on the making of Alder berry flutes. Enjoy the Sutter Buttes landscape while learning the Native American ways.
The cost of the workshop is $35/ person. Since this workshop is expected to fill very quickly, call Middle Mountain Foundation at (530) 671-6116 to place your reservation and please relay your interest by either sending back the attached form or emailing a response to janjohansen@sbcglobal.net
Sacramento Archeological Society Book Club
Don’t forget the society’s next book to discuss will be Before California by Brian Fagan. This meeting will be in May.
To date we have over 20 memberships. These include student, individual family and sponsor memberships. A special thank you to Dr. Donald and Margaret Brown for their Sponsor Membership. Please note that members joining after June 2006 are considered members through 2007. If you haven’t sent in your support for the society, this is your last reminder.
RIDGECREST, CA 93555return by FAX, mail, or in person
PHONE (760) 375-6900 FAX (760) 375-0479COSO RANGE Spring 2007 PETROGLYPH TOUR APPLICATION
Saturday, February 17
Saturday, March 3
Saturday, April 14
Sunday, February 18
Sunday, March 4
Sunday, April 15
Saturday, February 24
Saturday, March 10
Saturday, April 21
Sunday, February 25
Sunday, March 11
Sunday, April 22
Saturday, March 24
Saturday, April 28
Sunday, March 25
Sunday, April 29
Saturday, May 5
Saturday, June 2
Sunday, May 6
Sunday, June 3
Saturday, May 19
Saturday, June 9
Sunday, May 20
Sunday, June 10
Saturday, May 26
Sunday, May 27
DATE SELECTION: 1ST CHOICE_______________ 2ND CHOICE______________
Phone Number (day) ________________ After 5 PM ______________e-mail address _________________________________ FAX ___________________
Space is reserved once we receive your payment: Confirmation will be mailed
Maturango Museum MEMBERS _____ X $25.00 = __________NON-MEMBERS ____ X $35.00= __________: =TOTAL $__________
CREDIT CARD # _________________________________EXPIRATION DATE___-____Signature _________________________________
or - CHECK - amount $____________ Number ______
The Navy requires the names, phone numbers, and Social Security #'s, birth date and birthplace of all tour Participants (Please PRINT CLEARLY). No Foreign Nationals at this time.
Once this information has been submitted to the Navy for processing, substitutions of people will NOT be allowed!!!
Birth Date
Birth Place- City, St.
Social Security number
Tour participants 16 years of age and older must provide one form of picture ID.
Please read ALL the information on
Pet Tours pageYou may-
FAX this form with your credit card info to 760 375-0479Or-
mail this form with check or credit card info to the address aboveWe cannot accept credit card info by e-mail
(not a secure server).you will sign a waiver like this one at time of check-in
Petroglyph Tour Liability Waiver
I take full responsibility for my participation on the tour to Little Petroglyph Canyon. I hereby release the Museum and its Trustees, officers, employees, agents and tour guides from all suits, causes and claims of any kind which might arise as a result of, or in connection with, any such tour. I understand and agree that this instrument may be pleaded as a defense and as a bar to any action or proceeding that may be brought, instituted or taken by me or on my behalf, on account of any injuries or damages sustained by the below named in the course of participation on a petroglyph tour.
Sacramento Archeological Society Tours
Interest Form
Name: ______________________ Date: ____________
Please indicate your interest in the following events and send the completed form to
Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 163287
Sacramento, CA 95816-9287
Sutter Buttes – Native Ways Hike
March 24, 2007
Yes ______ (number of people) plan to attend and I will make my reservation by calling Middle Mountain Foundation at (530) 671-6116. _____
No, I have already toured Sutter Buttes. _____
No, I am not interested. _____
No, but I might be interested at another time. _____
Rock Art Tour - "Little Petroglyph Canyon and Maturango Museum"
April 21-23 (first choice)
Yes, ________ (number of people) can attend.
2. April 28-30 (alternate choice)
Yes, ________ (number of people) can attend.
I will send my application directly to Maturango Museum ASAP.
No, I am not interested. _____
No, but I might be interested at another time. _____
Sutter Buttes – Elder berry Flute Workshop
April 29, 2007
Yes ______ (number of people) plan to attend and I will make my reservation by calling Middle Mountain Foundation at (530) 671-6116. _____
No, I am not interested. _____
No, but I might be interested at another time. _____
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