Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                              September, October, November 2007      



Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.’s

 Annual Meeting



“The Taino Underworld:  Caribbean Explorations into the Rock Art and Supernatural Beliefs of a Vanished Culture”


John Foster

Senior State Archaeologist


Saturday, December 1, 2007 from 11:00 to 2:00 pm


Hungry Hunter Restaurant

450 Bercut Drive

Sacramento, CA 95814


John Foster will be the honored guest and speaker at the Sacramento Archeological Society Annual Meeting on Saturday, December 2, 2006 at Hungry Hunter Steakhouse.  After a banquet luncheon and annual meeting he will present his latest findings from the underworld of the Dominican Republic.  In this talk we will be entering the world of darkness where cave paintings and offerings provide a glimpse into the Taino universe.  The masters of the Caribbean Sea had their culture shattered by Spanish conquest in the 16th century.  Through meticulous study of their archaeology, new light can be shed on the ancient people of Hispanola. 


As the state’s underwater archaeologist John Foster offers extensive experience exploring the world under.  He was responsible for documenting shipwrecks (SS Pomona site at Fort Ross SHP and Montebello near Cambria) and other submerged sites throughout California underwater parks.  John did archaeological fieldwork on the Sonora coast and in Baja California as well as the state of Aguascalientes in Mexico.  Since 1993 he worked on his off time as an adjunct faculty member with Indiana University.  There he teaches and assists in their archaeological research in the Dominican Republic.  The work in the Dominican Republic has been extensive: Taino caverns have been explored, rock art caves have been documented; an underwater park was created, and more.   Don’t miss this exciting presentation.


During the Annual Meeting Hungry Hunter Steakhouse will serve a fine banquet luncheon.  Reservations are required by Tuesday, November 20th.  The cost of the luncheon inclusive of 7.75% tax, 17% gratuity, is $20 for the entrée plus $4 if you wish to select a dessert.  You may select from three entrees:

·        Roast Salmon – A filet of Norwegian salmon brushed with a blend of basil, mustard seed, garlic and lemon.  Served with rice pilaf                                                                                       

·        Pasta Primavera – a vegetarian Entrée – Linguini with rosemary cream sauce and mixed vegetables.                                                                                                                              


Entrees will be served with bread, butter, mixed green salad with ranch style dressing, coffee, iced tea or soda.  The bar will be available.

You have the option to select from the following desserts:

·        Turtle Cheese Cake (A creamy New York style single layer cheese cake topped with fudge, caramel and pecans)                                                                                                                          $4

·        Bailey’s Irish Cream Mousse – Bailey’s blended with cream and chocolate to create this distinctively single layer unique dessert.                                                                          $4

·        Carrot Cake – An old favorite.  Spiced carrot single layer cake topped with a rich cream frosting.                                                                                                                                                          $4

Please indicate your selection on the attached form November 20th.

You may bring guests who hopefully will become members.  Don’t miss this annual event.

For more information, contact Jan Johansen, President of Sacramento Archeological Society at 530-756-6970 or



Election of 2006 Board of Directors

During the Annual Meeting the 2008 Board of Directors will be elected.  Additional participation on the board is requested.  Two key positions: secretary and treasurer are awaiting nominations.  Please make recommendations to April Farnham at  The early slate of the board is:






April Farnham


Tom Johansen, MD

Member at Large

Anna Valdez


Ruth McElhinney

Member at Large



Lydia Peake

Member at Large



Roger Peake

Member at Large

Jan Johansen

Past President

Diane Rosales

Member at Large











Reservation Form for Society’s Annual Meeting

Please send your reservation as soon as possible and no later than Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Make checks payable to “Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.” and send it to

Jan Johansen


505 Cleveland Court

Davis, CA 95616





Name(s):  _____________________________________________  Phone:  _____________

______________________________________________________  Phone: _____________

Luncheon Selection:

Entry Item (Select one)             Price                 #

Pasta Primavera                                                  $20.00                     ____       $________          

Forest Mushroom Chicken                               $20.00                     ____       $________

Roasted Salmon                                                   $20.00                     ____       $________

Dessert Item (You may select one)        Price                 #

Turtle Cheese Cake                                           $4.00                       ____       $________

Bailey’s Irish Cream Mousse                           $4.00                       ____       $________

Carrot Cake                                                         $4.00                       ____       $________                                                          

Luncheon Total                                                    $________


Annual Dues for 2008                                                   #

Student/Limited Member          $15                  ____    $_______       

            Individual Membership  $25                  ____    $_______       

            Family Membership                  $35                  ____    $_______

Sponsor                                   $100                ____    $_______

                                    Total enclosed                                      $_______



Renewal of Annual Memberships



Since January 1 is approaching and all memberships are renewed at this time, please support the society by paying your 2008 dues by January 1, 2008.


The annual dues are:

            Student/Limited Member          $15

            Individual Membership  $25

            Family Membership                  $35

Sponsor                                   $100 - 499 (individual)

                                                            $500 - 999 (business)

            Patron                                      $1000


Membership Benefits

Individual and Student Limited:  One-year subscription to SAS Newsletter

Members-only meetings

Members-only fieldwork

Field trips

Special Lectures

Classes and events sponsored by SAS

Family:  All of the above for each Family Member

One SAS Newsletter per Family Membership

Sponsor:  All of the above plus prominent mention in the SAS Newsletter and event programs for one year

Patron:  All of the above plus autographed book from keynote speaker, as applicable


To minimize administrative costs additional invoices will not be sent to each member.  Please remit the payment with the attached form.  


Please make out your check to “Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.” and mail it either early with your Annual Meeting Reservation Form to


Jan Johansen


505 Cleveland Court

Davis, CA 95616



or separately before January 1 to:


Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 163287


Sacramento, CA 95816-9287


Thank you in advance for your prompt payment.  We really appreciate your support.








Welcome new members

Welcome new member, Yolanda Chavez.  In addition to her BA in Archeology/Anthropology she has completed course work in CRM and has field/lab work skills.  She will be a great addition to the Society.



Past Events

“Murals of San Bartolo and Origins of Maya Gods and Kings”


Dr. Karl Taube


Thank you, Dr. Karl Taube for sharing your information on  “Murals of San Bartolo and Origins of Maya Gods and Kings” on September 22nd.  The presentation was excellent and the event was well attended by society members.  At total of $580 was received.  It will be applied to the Sacramento Archeological Society Scholarship fund.  Thank you every one who attended and contributed.


Thank you also Debra Muro who arranged for the facilities for no charge to the society and Rochelle Beaver who insured that all arrangements were made for the event.



“Maya Historical Preview”


Roger Peake


Thank you Roger for your presentation on the Maya.  In preparation for the Maya presentation by Dr. Taube, Society members Roger Peake introduced significant Maya city-states, locate them geographically and offered a time line of their rise and fall. This discussion was a helpful lead in to Dr. Taube's presentation.




Other Upcoming Events

Fresno County Archaeological Society is offering the following slate of speakers:


·        November 2007 AIA lecturer, Dr. John Hale of the University of Louisville will speak on underwater archaeology in the Mediterranean Sea.


·        December 2007 BLM archaeologist from Hollister will speak on rock art on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley.


·        January 2008 Tom Keefe will talk about ancient Babylon.


For more information on these events contact Newsletter Editor, James Kus at 559-325-8020.


Sacramento Archaeological Society, Inc.


Officers and Directors


President                      Jan Johansen                        530/756-6970                          

Vice President              Anna Valdez                         916/628-4226  

Treasurer                     Susan W. Ferguson               916/966-4861                                                                                             

Secretary                      April Farnham                     916/371-6806  

Past President              Dennis T. Fenwick               916/373-1465                                                                            

Member/Large              Ruth McElhinney                 916/923-3848            no email

Member/Large              Thomas Johansen, MD        530/756-6970                               

Member/Large              Lydia Peake                         916/371-6391  

Member at Large          Roger Peake                         916/371-6391  

Member at Large          Diane Rosales                       916/371-4596                             

Member/Large              Philomene Smith                 916/444-3605   











Mark Your Calendars


November 15, 2007 Board Meeting, at 7:00 p.m. at Dennis Fenwick’s home

December 1, 2007, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Annual Meeting featuring John Foster speaking on “The Taino Underworld:  Caribbean Explorations into the Rock Art and Supernatural Beliefs of a Vanished Culture”, Hungry Hunter on Richards Blvd., Sacramento 95814.















        A Non-Profit Corporation

                P.O. Box 163287

      Sacramento, CA 95816-9287