March/April, 2009
Dr. Paul Freeman
President, Bay Area Rock Art Research Association
Saturday, March 7, 2009
7:00-8:00 p.m.
The Maidu Interpretive Center
1960 Johnson Ranch Drive
Roseville, CA 95661
Join SAS and the Bay Area Rock Art Association (BARARA) in a special presentation to introduce “Rocks of Ages: the Spectacular Diversity of Rock Art in California,” an exhibit developed by BARARA, at the Maidu Interpretive Center. Dr. Freeman is author of Rock Art Lithographs of Lala Eve Rivol and editor of the Bay Area Rock Art News. BARARA is working with the Bancroft Library, UC-Berkeley, to establish a Northern California Rock Art Archive. This archive includes a series of videos by Dr. Freeman on California rock art sites covering the Southern San Joaquin Valley - Sierra Nevada Area, the San Francisco Bay Area, the Carrizo Plain Monitoring Project, and the Chumash Area. These videos will be available for viewing following Dr. Freeman’s presentation.
Dr. Freeman’s presentation will begin at 7:00 pm, followed by a reception with dessert and coffee. Call (916) 774-5934 for directions to the Maidu Interpretive Center or visit their website at www.roseville.ca.us/indianmuseum.
This event is FREE and open to the general public.
Co-sponsored by the City of Roseville
Saturday, March 28, 2009
9:00am to 2:00p.m.
Meeting place: The Waffle Shop, 10432 Live Oak Blvd., Live Oak, CA
Moderate Hiking Difficulty (3-4 “boots”)
Join California State Parks Ranger Tim Davis on a special hiking tour of Peace Valley, a state parks property nestled within the majestic Sutter Buttes. Ranger Davis will point out some of valley’s unique geological, cultural, prehistoric and historic features. These features include undisturbed archaeological sites such as bedrock mortar stations and rock shelters utilized by Native Americans. Kathie Lindahl and Dionne Gruver, Senior State Archaeologists, both involved with the most recent cultural resource survey of the valley, will also accompany this tour.
Event will begin promptly at 9am at The Waffle Shop in Live Oak. Participants may wish to arrive earlier for coffee and breakfast at the restaurant. Following a brief introductory talk, Ranger Davis will lead a carpool caravan from the restaurant to a ranch road that follows a creek south into Peace Valley. Actual hiking time will be around 4 hours with stops for lunch and questions. **Note: Bathroom facilites (porta-potties) are only available at the hike’s beginning staging area!
Variable weather may be expected so please come prepared! Wear layered clothing and sturdy hiking shoes/boots. Hiking poles are a plus! Please also bring water and a sack lunch or midday snacks. Participants who are willing to drive into Peace Valley with carpool passengers are encouraged to use SUVs, trucks, or other high clearance vehicles.
To register for this hike or to obtain directions contact April Farnham at (916) 371-6806 or by Email at april_farnham@sbcglobal.net. The activity is limited to 26 participants so please sign up early!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Roger and Lydia Peake’s Home
2951 Redwood, West Sacramento, CA 95691
Join SAS for a fun and educational evening viewing documentaries on some of the most recent archaeological developments around the world (sorry, no “Raiders of the Lost Ark” here!). A potluck dinner will begin at 6:00pm, so bring your favorite dish or a snack for everyone to munch on. Then settle in to watch some exciting videos about prehistoric cultures around the world - among the movies available for viewing will be:
Archaeologists have been working in California’s Owens Valley for thirty years recording petroglyphs, pottery, bone, wood, and stone tools in an effort to piece together the life ways of the region’s prehistoric inhabitants. With advances in the analysis of obsidian, they are taking a second look at what ancient arrowheads, points, and flakes can tell them – revealing more about California’s prehistory and the Native Paiute culture. Produced by Far Western Anthropological Research Group and Caltrans.
This video overviews the traveling exhibition “Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures From the National Museum, Kabul” featuring more than 100 gold ornaments from the famed “Bactrian hoard,” found in 1978 in Tillya Tepe, the site of six nomad graves. It tells a fascinating story of Afghan’s ancient past, the discovery, and re-discovery of these important collections. Produced by National Geographic.
Other videos including “Echoes from a Lost Valley” and “Breaking the Maya Code” will also be available for viewing, time allowing.
Sacramento Archeological Society thanks 2008 Scholarship winners, Samantha Emmanuel and Kalie Sacco for presenting their Mycenae field school experience on January 24. The event that included a Greek potluck was well attended.
Get Ready
Due May 1, 2009
The Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc. (SAS) is seeking applicants for one or more scholarships. The total funds available are about $1,400. The scholarships may be in lesser amounts, so that more scholarships may be awarded. Should several worthy applications be received, funding in excess of $1,400 may be available.
Scholarships will be considered in archeology and related fields for undergraduate and graduate students. Examples for which scholarships may be awarded, but are not limited to, the following:
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Is the application complete?
2. Does proposal promote the training of archeologists?
3. Does proposal support the collection and dissemination of archeological data?
4. Does proposal promote accessibility of archeological data to the public?
5. Is it likely that the project will be completed in 12 months?
This year’s deadline for applications is May 1, 2009. All application materials must be postmarked by this date. Successful applicants will be eligible to receive an honorarium of up to $100 once they present their project results in a public presentation sponsored by SAS.
If you have questions, contact Jan Johansen, Past President at janjohansen@sbcglobal.net or 530/756-6970. Please mail the completed application to:
Jan Johansen, Past President
Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.
505 Cleveland Ct.
As of February we have 36 members. If you haven’t renewed yet, please support the society by paying your 2009 dues now. We need you to continue our scholarships and promotion of archaeology and anthropology. Contact Officers or Directors for more information.
Annual Dues for 2009
Student/Limited Member $15
Individual Membership $30
Family Membership $40
Sponsor $100
A Non-Profit Corporation
P.O. Box 163287
Sacramento, CA 95816-9287