Indus Valley Civilization

Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc.’s
Annual Meeting Webinar
“Indus Valley Civilization”
by Ruth McElhinney and
Tule Boat Replication video
by Kevin Smith
Saturday, December 5, 2020
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

At our annual meeting in addition to a review of the year, a peek into 2021 and our election of officers for 2021we are pleased to have two featured events, a video on reed boat building by Kevin Smith and a talk by Ruth McElhinney on the Indus Valley Civilization.

Annual Meeting Program
The schedule for the event is as follows:
1:30 – Meet and Greet
2:00 – Tule Boat Replication video by Kevin Smith
2:30 – SAS Annual Meeting with election of officers for 2021
3:30 – Indus Valley Civilization by Ruth McElhinney
During the meet and greet period we will use the breakout room feature of Zoom and give attendees the opportunity to chat in small groups.
Kevin Smith who presented a webinar on October 17th will show the video that follows his process of building a tule reed boat using only stone tools. This a fantastic follow up to his discussion of ancient water craft that he gave during his webinar.
At the SAS Annual Meeting President, Tom Johansen will review SAS events for 2020, highlight expectations for 2021, and conduct an election of officers. See the Members’ Corner section of this newsletter for the list of candidates. In 2020 our typical in person presentations were replaced by monthly webinars. These will continue in 2021. Hopefully we will be able to have some face to face activities in 2021, including Lovelock Cave, Four Corners Tour. In 2020 several of the scholars were unable to use their SAS scholarships because the excavations that they were planning to attend were cancelled. We are hopeful to award more scholarships in 2021.
Following the annual meeting Ruth McElhinney will explore the Harappan Civilization of the Indus Valley located in what is today Pakistan. This culture, which peaked during the period from 2600 to 1900 BCE, featured urban planning, far reaching trade and symbols on trade seals that may have been a written language. Ruth will highlight the ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and Lothal.

Ruth McElhinney, a retired economic development, community relations and legislative professional has a keen avocational interest in history, anthropology and archaeology. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Archeological Society, Inc. for more than twenty years. She has participated in archaeological excavations and lab work in Italy, Mississippi, and California, has attended historical classes at Oxford University, co-led classes for the Renaissance Society, a lifelong learning community sponsored by Sacramento State University, and served as a board member of Friends of San Juan (San Juan de Oriente, Nicaragua). She has traveled widely, visiting archaeological sites in Great Britain, Ireland, Meso-America, and South Africa.